The Faces Of Addiction : The Middle-Aged, Women And Fentanyl

The Faces Of Addiction : The Middle-Aged, Women And Fentanyl

Drug Addiction

Addiction Expert, Dr. Indra Cidambi, analyzes factors driving continued growth in drug overdose deaths.

New York, NY – March 15, 2017

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recently released data that showed that drug overdose deaths (excl. alcohol) rose 11% year-over-year to 52,404 in 2015, and has increased at an average annual rate of over 7% since 1999.

Overall overdose deaths rose to 16.3 per 100,000 in 2015 from 6.1 in 1999. “An analysis of the 16-year trend shows that the middle-aged, women and fentanyl were consistently driving growth in overdose deaths,” says Dr. Cidambi.

“In middle-aged adults, overdose death rates have risen the most (see data below) since 1999, likely due to declining economic security” says Dr. Cidambi. Recall, that a study by Princeton University in 2015 highlighted this fact and identified it as a causal factor in negatively impacting longevity among the white population in the country.

“Addiction rates among women are catching up with men, as they have more access to addictive medication,” says Dr. Cidambi, who has vast experience in treating women suffering from substance use disorders.

“Another significant driver of overdose deaths is fentanyl, which due to its potency, is used by drug dealers to spike other non-synthetic opiate products (heroin, street pills, etc.),” added Dr. Cidambi.

“However, individualized and innovative treatment modalities such as ambulatory detox have the potential to bend the trend.”

Dr. Indra Cidambi, a leading Addiction Medicine expert and Co-Founder and Medical Director at the Center for Network Therapy, New Jersey’s first outpatient detox facility notes that, “The rate of increase in overdose deaths is alarming for multiple reasons; the sheer number of people whose lives are being cut short by this disease is a huge tragedy and, additionally, society’s resources are strained by enormous criminal justice and treatment costs and loss of productivity.”

The middle-aged in crisis

The increased death rate among middle-aged white people of the baby-boom generation due to drug and alcohol abuse was well documented by a Princeton University paper published in September of 2015.

This group’s inability to find skill-appropriate jobs and pension insecurity driven by weak stock market performance are believed to be causal factors of addiction among this population. Additionally, Dr. Cidambi noted, “An increase in opioid pain pill prescriptions coupled with increased economic insecurity associated with globalization have come together to drive this population to dependence.”

Overdose deaths rose to 30 per 100,000 (from 5.2 in 1999) for the 45-54 age group and to 22 per 100,000 (from 4.2) for the 55-64 age group. More women seek solace in medication. Women are more likely to seek medication or self-medicate for emotional and psychological issues. “Anxiety, depression, borderline personality disorder and eating disorders more commonly affect women and provide them access to prescription medications that could be addictive,” says Dr. Cidambi.

Biology also predisposes women to get addicted faster as, for 2 similar intake, their bodies are exposed to the substance longer and at higher concentration levels than men. Women are the focal point of family logistics and they often juggle a demanding career as well. They turn to medication to deal with the stress and keep up the appearance of being able to juggle different responsibilities seamlessly.

Dr. Cidambi has been treating women with addiction issues for over a decade. She is aware of the issues women face when seeking and participating in treatment. “It is much more difficult for women to make that first call for help, as they sometimes feel they might be abandoning their role in the family,” says Dr. Cidambi. “Shame and fear also are barriers to women seeking treatment.” (To read more on this click on

Overdose deaths among women has grown faster than men in 9 of the past 16 years and overdose death rates are catching up with that of men – it was 11.8 per 100,000 for women in 2015 up from 3.9 in 1999 as compared to a rise in men to 20.8 per 100,000 from 8.2. The absolute number of overdose deaths among women grew 3.5 times between 1999 and 2015 (to 19,447) as compared to 2.9 times for men.

The fentanyl factor

“Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid, is incredibly potent (50 times stronger than morphine or heroin) and even a small increase in dose could be fatal,” says Dr. Cidambi. “That is not the only danger with fentanyl,” Dr. Cidambi adds. “Since it is made by combining chemicals, pills laced with fentanyl are being made locally by obtaining chemicals over the internet and importing pill making machines piecemeal. Regulating the sale of these chemicals over the internet is extremely tough.” Fentanyl and Tramadol users – rose 13 times (vs 3 times average) from 1999 levels to 9,580.

It is not all doom and gloom there is hope

“Despite the gloomy picture painted by CDC statistics, all is not lost. We can still win the war on addiction,” says Dr. Cidambi. Individualized treatment protocols to meet a patient’s needs and utilization of a gender-responsive treatment approach, increase the chances of the patient staying on the path to recovery after detoxification. “In my opinion, a combination of medication assisted treatment, more availability of treatment and new, innovative treatment models such as ambulatory detoxification can contain the spread of the epidemic, and, eventually, reverse it,” concludes Dr. Cidambi.

For more information on women and addiction, Dr. Cidambi’s innovation in addiction treatment or to learn more about the Center for Network Therapy please visit,

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Against The Law

Against The Law

We’ve all been there. Drinks with our workmates after a long day.

Celebratory drinks after a big win. Too many cocktails at a staff function.

Some offices even host regular social functions within the business premises.

More often than not, these are all just social gatherings that help employees bond, break barriers between different levels of management and encourage camaraderie.

But they can also lead to overindulgence. A few beers or a few cocktails, maybe a few hits off a joint, or maybe a few lines of coke.

When everyone is doing it, it seems like the norm and awkward not to participate. When people are in professional positions with great pay, it’s easy to take socializing to the next step.

Lawyers face the Pressure of the Profession

Anyone who has faced the pressure of graduating can attest to the level of stress. Law students are under far more stress. The tests are very rigorous and the euphoria of being accepted into a law program evaporates quickly. They face a great deal of work and stress. Studies show that, within a few months of joining law school, students show signs of anxiety and depression.

By the end of their first year, close to half show signs of depression. This often leads to anxiety medication and/or sleeping pills. It is also not uncommon for students to sell these prescription pills for extra cash, leading to easy availability of these medications on law school campuses.

When they finally finish school, they not only face an overwhelming load of work, but work often conflicts of their own moral and value systems. These need to be ignored and pushed aside in order to get the job done.

The competition in the profession is brutal and the drive to excel can quickly lead to mental fatigue. Consequently, seeking solace in alcohol and drugs or the abuse of prescription drugs is not uncommon. Over time, tolerance builds, and the patient needs to take more to feel the same effect.

Having a few beers at the end of the week can quickly turn into substance abuse, with prescription and street drugs. This type of self-medicating doesn’t end with graduation.


Finding a good job is daunting when you have to compete with all the other graduates. However, getting your foot in the door is only the beginning. Young lawyers find themselves in an unenviable position of being tasked with lowly and menial jobs. This can make them feel worthless and adds to the stress.

Long hours and ridiculous schedules take a toll. Add on the pressure of them having to meet various quotas: finding new clients, the win/loss ratio, etc. After working so hard, they worry constantly of being overlooked for advancement. Such stress damages their personal relationships. It’s no wonder they rank so high in depression and addiction.

There is also safety in following the herd. When many of your co-workers and peers all feel the same way, it feels good to stick together to take away the stress through the social norms of drinking and, sometimes, drugs.

Unfortunately, this can have the opposite effect after a while. Too much overindulgence leads to loss of control and sub-optimal work performance. This, in turn, may lead to financial pressures, which may intensify the dependence on drugs or alcohol.

Getting Help

The first step is always accepting that you have a problem. The person needs to recognize the damage being done to their health from alcohol, their career and their relationships.

The legal world is small, and it is never a good idea to have issues following you, like substance abuse or addiction. Losing a job due to addiction could do irreparable harm to one’s career.

The first step should be speaking directly to your employer, as there are programs in place to help their staff get the help they need. Talking to your immediate supervisor about the stress on the job and how it has affected you will be the first step to recovery.

Talking to your family and friends is also a good idea, especially if they have expressed their concern already. It’s more than just your job at stake, it’s your health and your future, as well.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us today.


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Impact on children of parental substance use


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Addiction Expert Dr. Indra Cidambi Shares Tips on How to Help Children Affected by Addiction

NEW JERSEY-Our country is in the middle of a drug epidemic and, as per SAMHSA, 1 in 4 children in the United States is exposed to alcohol abuse or dependence in the family. More children are living in families with an illegal substance or prescription medication abuse. Leading addiction expert, Indra Cidambi, M D. says, “It is important to address the impact on children of parental substance abuse because such children have a predisposition to behavioral problems and abusing drugs or alcohol themselves~ They also could have more problems in school or social relationships.”

“Explaining the behaviors of an addicted adult or telling a child that a parent is going away for treatment, separating from the family or, even worse, has passed away is one of the most difficult conversations to have with a child,” says Dr. Cidambi. Children of addicts experience physical or emotional abuse and neglect, domestic violence, lack of boundaries or inconsistent messages about right and wrong “It will break anyone’s heart to have such a conversation with an innocent child,” says Dr. Cidambi who has been treating families dealing with a loved one’s addiction for over a decade. “However, the bright side is that these children can overcome the damage from a flawed environment with help.” She suggests some steps that will help children cope with, and eventually overcome they’re less than an optimal living situation.

1. Help them understand the situation.

Children are aware that things are not normal, but they may be confused. They need to understand that their parent is “sick” with a disease – alcoholism or addiction to drugs – and help them make sense of their parent’s behavior. “Having an insight into their parent’s behavior will add to their resilience,” says Dr. Cidambi.

2. Make it clear that it is not their fault.

Children tend to blame themselves for their parents’ behavior as they hear statements from their parent(s) that blame them for things being the way they are – for example, “If only I could have some peace and quiet, I would not feel the need to drink.” It is critically important to let children know, repeatedly if needed, that their parents’ addiction is not their fault.

3. Help them express their feelings.

“Children of people suffering from substance use disorders learn not to talk honestly, and discount, minimize and rationalize their feelings,” says Dr. Cidambi. They need to know that they are not alone and that it is ok to feel the way they feel, share their feelings and learn to express their feelings appropriately, including anger. Repressing their feelings could eventually lead to behavioral problems.

4. Facilitate problem-solving

Children who live with parents using substances are often left to fend for themselves. “They may come back to an empty home, and may have to fix a meal for themselves and their siblings and sometimes they may face neglect,” says Dr. Cidambi. Educating these children about the range of options available to them helps them better cope with their situation.

5. Link them to supportive individuals.

“Identifying and connecting these children to significant people in their lives who can provide a sense of belonging and acceptance is crucial,” says Dr. Cidambi. Such people could help the child to not have to act out a survival role~ It could be a grandparent, an uncle or an aunt. Linking them to support groups such as Alateen may also be helpful.

6. Help a Child, Be a Child

Children whose parent(s) suffer from substance use disorders often grow up quickly. However, a child is not an adult and they need an opportunity to have fun and act like children. Keeping them busy and keep them laughing. Let them know that there is more to life than their experience behind closed doors.

Providing a chance for children affected by families dealing with addiction a chance to heal is one of the best gifts they can receive at this stage in their lives. The above tips can help a child trapped in a family affected by substance use to overcome their circumstances and lead normal lives.


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Is your Doctor Unwittingly Enabling your Addiction?

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Opioid and benzodiazepine abuse is a critical problem in America.

Some people may not even be aware that they have become chemically dependent on one of these medications until they stop taking the medication and begin to experience withdrawal symptoms, as the need for substance detoxification grows.

Many people visit their doctor’s offices, urgent care centers and other types of medical facilities every so often.

While the health care one receives is professional, many physicians are not fluent with controlled substances and are completely unaware that they are addictive.

Physicians and nurse practitioners see many patients a day and are often overworked. When a patient complains of acute pain, often the easiest solution is to write a prescription for opioid pain medications.

According to Dr. Cidambi, many physicians do not have the expertise to get to the root of the pain or anxiety, as many are family practitioners and nurse practitioners who may not have received the training a pain specialist or psychiatrist receives. More than half of these prescriptions are written by primary care physicians or nurse practitioners.

Why some physicians unintentionally end up enabling an individual’s addiction to prescription medications?

Pain: When a patient complains of pain, only acute pain calls for the prescription of opioid medications – not a sprained ankle or menstruation cramps. They should talk to you about the risks involved with opioid medication and balance it against the benefits.

If opioid pain pills are prescribed for more than three months, the patient needs a substance abuse evaluation in order to ensure that they are not becoming chemically dependent.

The best strategy is to move the patient as quickly as possible to non-addictive pain medications and introduce the patient to alternate methods of mitigating pain, such as meditation, yoga, acupuncture or massage.

Anxiety: Benzodiazepines are often used to treat people with anxiety, but long-term use should not be the treatment plan.

Many individuals who are prescribed benzodiazepines for genuine mental health issues end up becoming chemically dependent on these medications. After the acute phase of treatment is concluded, there are alternate treatments that are equally effective over the long run.

ADHD: It is not uncommon for physicians to prescribe highly addictive medications, known as stimulants, to address Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Adderall and Ritalin are two very common drugs used to treat ADHD and are often abused.

If the medications have been used for a considerable amount of time and are affecting the quality of life of a loved one, consider switching to alternative treatment modalities.

Often, people using these types of medications don’t start out as addicts. They begin to experience alleviation of symptoms of acute pain or anxiety, but they may find going through the day or functioning at normal levels difficult without these medications.

What helps with the withdrawal?

Quitting cold turkey may be very difficult when chemical dependence has set in. It may also be dangerous to quit some of these medications suddenly, as it may lead to medical complications such as seizure or stroke.

If you need more information about addiction to prescription medications or have questions regarding chemical dependency and prescription medications, please contact us at the earliest.


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Brian Cuban praises center for network therapy’s outpatient detox model

Brian Cuban praises center for network therapy’s outpatient detox model


New Jersey –June 3, 2016 – The Center for Network Therapy (CNT), New Jersey’s first state licensed ambulatory detox facility for all substance abuse, welcomed Brian Cuban, best-selling author and person in long term recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. Cuban visited CNT on Friday, June 3rdfor a tour of the outpatient detox treatment facility. Cuban shared his personal experiences, struggles and recovery with CNT staff and patients.

An authority on body dysmorphic disorder, male eating disorders and addiction, Cuban is the author of book, “Shattered Image: My Triumph Over Body Dysmorphic Disorder.” It chronicles his first-hand experiences living with, and recovering from, 27 years of eating disorders, alcoholism, drug addiction and Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Cuban’s second book, “The Addicted Lawyer: Tales of the Bar, Booze, Blow and Redemption,” will be released in 2017 and chronicles Cuban’s time working as an attorney who was addicted to cocaine, alcohol, Ambien, and opioid medication.

“I know the challenges of dealing with destructive behaviors and wanting to change what I saw in the mirror,” said Cuban. “Recovery is rarely a straight road and can have setbacks, but I am glad I stuck with the process and recently celebrated my ninth year in sobriety. I am grateful to be able to share my story with those fighting this disease with the help of the Center for Network Therapy. Their outpatient detox model has been proven effective for those seeking to end the cycle of addiction”

“We are honored to have Brian Cuban visit the Center for Network Therapy. His struggle speaks to the importance of getting help and his story will inspire both our patients and staff as we fight this disease, one patient at a time.” said Dr. Cidambi. “We thank Brian Cuban for sharing his story with us as we work to connect the success of our program with inspiration for the future.”

For more information on substance abuse dependency, addiction and treatment, please go to

About Dr. Indra Cidambi

Indra Cidambi, M.D., Medical Director, Center for Network Therapy, is recognized as a leading expert and pioneer in the field of Addiction Medicine. Under her leadership the Center for Network Therapy started New Jersey’s first state licensed Ambulatory (Outpatient) Detoxification program for all substances nearly three years ago. Dr. Cidambi is Board Certified in General Psychiatry and double Board Certified in Addiction Medicine (ABAM, ABPN). She is fluent in five languages, including Russian.

About Center for Network Therapy

Center for Network Therapy (CNT) was the first facility in New Jersey to be licensed to provide Ambulatory (Outpatient) Detoxification Services for all substances of abuse – alcohol, anesthetics, benzodiazepines, opiates and other substances of abuse. Led by a Board Certified Addiction Psychiatrist, Indra Cidambi, M.D., experienced physicians and nurses closely monitor each patient’s progress. With CNT’s superior client care and high quality treatment, Dr. Cidambi and her clinical team have successfully detoxed over 600 patients in nearly three years. Visit for more details on CNT.

About Brian Cuban

Brian Cuban is an author whose best-selling book, Shattered Image: My Triumph Over Body Dysmorphic Disorder, chronicles his first-hand experiences living with, and recovering from, twenty-seven years of eating disorders, alcoholism, drug addiction and Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). He has spoken at colleges and universities across the United States and in Canada. Brian has appeared on prestigious talks shows such as the Katie Couric Show as well as numerous media outlets around the country. He also writes extensively on these subjects. His columns have appeared on,, The Huffington Post and in online and print newspapers around the world. Brian second book, entitled, The Addicted Lawyer: Tales of the Bar, Booze, Blow and Redemption, will be released in 2017.


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Probuphine – formidable hurdles will severely limit adoption

Probuphine – formidable hurdles will severely limit adoption

The battle of treating those living with the disease of addiction is ongoing and ever – challenging.

New treatments and medications are continually being developed, tested and introduced.

One of the newer medications on the market, introduced in 2016, is Probuphine. This drug is unique in its approach as it a buprenorphine implant.

Buprenorphine that sells under the brand names of Suboxone, ZubSolv and Subutex is highly effective in treating withdrawal symptoms and cravings associated with opiate abuse.

It inserted into the upper arm and it slowly releases the medication over a six-month period.

It is the first implant of buprenorphine that helps patients in treatment for addiction to opiates such as heroin, fentanyl, and opioid pain killers. Like all other medications, there are positives and negatives.

Pros and Cons


With an implant in place, compliance with daily medication regimen becomes easy as the patient does not have to remember to take it every day. Also, the chances of misplacing the medication or having it stolen is eliminated.

It is helpful in lowering the risk of relapse as the medication is systematically introduced into the body without any intervention by the patient. It is released at a steady rate, so the patient does not experience any withdrawal symptoms or cravings. It will also help stop the diversion of this medication into the black market.

Probuphine is ideal for those who have been stabilized on a low dose of buprenorphine. It is also a much safer alternative for those who may have children in the home, or someone living in a treatment center.


There are a few concerns with these implants, including;

There is always risk involved with the implants, as it has to be inserted utilizing a surgical procedure, although it is minimally invasive. There is always the risk of infection at the implant site.

Also two physicians may have to be present to do the implant – the prescribing physician and the physician who actually performs the surgical procedure. Besides, there have been problems in extracting the implant after 6 months.

Another barrier to getting the implant is cost. As it is new, some health insurance providers may not cover the procedure, as the patient’s out-of-pocket costs could be considerable.

A potential downside to the implant is that, patients may become overly reliant on the implant and neglect other aspects of their treatment, such as therapy to effect lifestyle changes needed to maintain their sobriety.

If you are considering using this medication, it is advisable to have a professional evaluation and a conversation with your physician.

Research on the web yields real life experiences of people who have utilized this implant. Some patients who went on this medication found that the dosage delivered was insufficient and they continued to experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms, such as feeling sick or having cramps, despite the implant.

Others continued to use other opiates, such as kratom, to make themselves feel physically comfortable despite the implant. Some other had to utilize psychotropic drugs as an adjunct in order to feel better.


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Mixing Opiates With ‘Benzos’

Benzodiazepine Withdrawal

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, nearly 200 people in the United States die due to opiate overdose every day.

That is of epidemic proportions! Despite various efforts by the federal and state bodies, the epidemic continues unabated.

One of the reasons the opioid overdose deaths continue to rise is because of the influx of fentanyl, which is a synthetic opioid that is 50-100 times more potent than heroin and individuals addicted to opiates spiking the opiate high through the use of another class of drugs called benzodiazepines or benzos.

Benzodiazepines are psychoactive drugs that have legitimate uses in treating a range of mental health illnesses such as anxiety and insomnia. The non-addictive, longer-acting benzodiazepines are also utilized to help individuals addicted to addictive, short-acting benzos and alcohol.

Like opiates, benzodiazepines are also central nervous system depressants. Both opiates and benzodiazepines are used by physicians to help people with genuine ailments. When used together, it can lead to overdose more quickly. Over one-third of all opioid or opiate overdoses happen when they are mixed with benzos.

This combination is dangerous because both drugs cause sedation and slow down breathing to a point where the brain forgets to breathe, causing overdose fatalities. Also, this prescription drug may lead to hard withdrawal symptoms that simply require medical and treatment.

People suffering from addiction often like to mix opiates and benzos because benzos spike the euphoric high caused by opiates. Opiates not only cause intoxication and make a person high but also affect the entire body, which can lead to other illnesses.

When mixing benzos and opiates, the person may experience decreased awareness, confusion, delirium, slow shallow breathing, and nausea and vomiting.

Even though people using both usually know that it is a dangerous combination, they still do it to intensify the high. When people use substances repeatedly, they build up a tolerance and need more or stronger doses to achieve the same high.

Dr Cidambi, a leading expert in addictions, said, “We need to find a way to reverse the growth trend of benzodiazepine abuse. I truly believe that, unless we do something immediately, our country is on the brink of escalating the national drug epidemic into a pandemic.”

Dr. Cidambi has some recommendations for limiting the co-abuse of benzos with opiates:

Patients being prescribed benzodiazepines for anxiety need to be monitored closely and they should not be prescribed beyond a short period of time – say about 3 months. While many states are limiting the prescriptions for opiates, there are no limits on the prescriptions for benzos. The prescribing physician should be aware of the addictive nature of these medications and recommend the patient also address the issue through talk therapy such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT. After three months the patient should be switched to non-addictive medications.

The prescription monitoring systems that most states currently have should be extended across state lines or made national. This is because Many people get prescriptions filled across state lines.

Utilizing alternative types of therapy like meditation and acupuncture should be considered, along with outpatient talk therapy and non-addictive medications.

For more information, please contact us.


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Will Government Initiatives Help The Opioid Crisis?

Around 30 states have implemented new laws and policies, limiting physician’s ability to prescribe opioid pain pills to their patients. The most common method is to put a limit on the first prescription for opioid pills, stipulating that it should be for a week or less. There are also rules about the potency of these pills.


Some state governments have also increased or initiated funding to educate people on the dangers of opioid addiction, treatment, and prevention. This needs to be stronger than a warning label from the pharmacist.


States hope to lower the rate of addiction to opiate pain pills and slow the supply of legal opiate pain pills that seeps into the black market. However, the problem is deeper with ingredients, such as fentanyl, and pill makers available on the dark web. Building a wall would have little effect as small quantities of fentanyl to make these pills come through the mail.


Curbing prescriptions is a start, but people who have already developed an addiction will find the pills needed to sustain their addiction harder to obtain from legal sources, such as their doctor. Many individuals addicted to opiates order variants of the drug online from other countries and have them delivered right to their door.


Individuals addicted to opiates go “doctor shopping” to find other doctors who turn a blind eye or have several fake IDs set up to evade identification to ensure their supply never runs out. People who obtain opiate pain pills through their doctor sometimes sell the pills to other individuals addicted to opiates, rather than use it themselves. Some doctors also continue to prescribe them, for physical and mental health concerns.


Street drugs are the answer for many people who have been thrown off the system and this is riskier. Alternatives to opiate pain pills, such as heroin or fentanyl are often cheaper on the street, readily available and are often times much more potent. There is also the concern that people needing their fix will take whatever is available, and that can raise the risk of overdose.

Dr. Cidambi argues there are better ways to deal with the problem.

First is education. Many of these medications are prescribed by physicians who do not fully understand the addictive nature of these medications. Healthcare providers need to be educated on these issues so they can prescribe responsibly. They will be armed with information about the dangers the medications pose, are will be able to counsel their patients.

Once they understand the potential dangers, they will also be able to recognize the signs of addiction. Through continuous education, they will understand how addiction develops and be able to intervene before the patient becomes addicted.

Second is to provide more treatment options. Working with a patient on an outpatient basis allows them to engage in treatment while not disturbing their daily life. It also reduces the stigma associated with the disease of addiction.

The integration of the home environment into treatment and involvement of family, or other loved ones results in better outcomes. This is vital, as the patient is still in touch with his work and the patient’s family now understands the chronic nature of addiction better. It enables the patient to begin making lifestyle changes when they are in treatment with professional detox support.


Holiday binge drinking – Five sign you are abusing alcohol

Many individuals binge drink during the holidays as the party season is in full swing. Dr. Cidambi suggests that they should become aware if they are abusing alcohol or using it as an emotional crutch.


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