Why Ketamine Treatment for Resistant Depression May Be Right for You

Why Ketamine Treatment for Resistant Depression May Be Right for You

Ketamine or Ketamine hydrochloride is a drug that was originally approved for anesthetic purposes. It serves as a sedative before surgery or prevents discomfort during medical tests. Ketamine is used as an anesthetic primarily in the veterinary industry, but it also used in humans. Some doctors prescribe it off-label for the treatment of other ailments. It has dissociative properties. It causes distortion of the senses, short-term memory loss, and hallucinations.

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Ketamine was first used in Belgium by veterinarians as anesthesia for animals. It was approved for human use during the Vietnamese war to treat injured soldiers. Because of its dissociative properties, some people use it as a recreational drug. The effects of Ketamine are similar to LSD. The casual use of Ketamine can cause serious problems. Effects of Ketamine on the human body are:

  • Dissociative properties– Ketamine blurs the senses and causes hallucinations and short-term memory loss. One feels dissociated with the body. It can lead to increased chances of accidents when under the influence.
  • Increased heartbeat– Ketamine increases the blood pressure and heartbeat of a person giving a feeling of rush. It can even cause convulsions.
  • Rigid muscles, inability to move
  • Slurred speech, blurred vision, confusion, and clumsiness
  • Nausea, anxiety, and panic
  • Overdose can lead to death.

Long term use of Ketamine:

Repeated abuse of Ketamine drugs can cause long-term physical and mental complications. It can cause organ failure, impaired memory, rapid heart rate, seizures, etc.

Effect on physical health-

  • Inflamed bladder: Abuse of Ketamine causes inflammation of the bladder and can lead to permanent damage. Troubled and painful urination with sometimes blood in it, frequent urge to urinate and inability to hold urine are some problems. It is associated with ulcerative cystitis and permanent bladder failure.
  • Destabilized heart rhythm: It can cause a temporary increase or decrease in heart rate and disrupt blood vessel functions. An overdose can lead to heart attack and stroke.
  • Liver failure- Prolonged use of Ketamine can damage the liver tissue and cause organ failure.
  • Respiratory failure– Ketamine can cause uneven breathing, leading to respiratory depression.

Psychological Effects:

  • Impaired memory– Many recreational drugs cause cognitive decline and memory problems. Ketamine is no exception. People who use Ketamine for a long time face impaired facial memory, disturbed verbal memory, and difficulty in recalling things.
  • Flashbacks and hallucinations– Ketamine does not fall under hallucinogens but can cause flashbacks and hallucinations with prolonged use.
  • Trigger mental disorders– Ketamine can trigger psychosis and schizophrenia in people vulnerable to mental health problems.
  • Addictive- Ketamine is addictive. Prolonged use can make one dependent on it and cause withdrawal symptoms.

A professional rehab in New Jersey or Detox in New Jersey for ketamine dependence can resolve these issues.

Therapeutic uses of Ketamine:

Ketamine was originally for anesthetic purposes only. Some doctors do prescribe it as an off-label medicine for other ailments. Now, ketamine has been approved by the FDA for other chronic conditions, such as depression. It is sold under the brand name Spravato and administered as a nasal mist in approved doctor’s offices under supervision. However, other anti-depressants should have been first tried on the patient and proven to be unsuccessful in addressing depression. Other than a sedative during surgeries, Ketamine is also used to address:


Ketamine is known for its pain killing abilities. When administered in low doses, it does not produce dissociative Ketamine symptoms. It can provide relief from severe pain. Patients with fractures, abdominal or intestinal pain, lower back pain, and others can use measured doses of Ketamine for pain relief.

Emergency use

Emergency responders can use Ketamine to calm down agitated patients. Ketamine helps nerve relaxation in suicidal, trauma, or patients with nervous complaints.

Status Epilepticus

Ketamine helps patients with Status Epilepticus who do not respond to standard drugs. Status Epilepticus, if left untreated, can cause brain damage. Ketamine could help such patients.


Depression is hard to diagnose and requires prolonged treatment. Many patients do not respond to standard forms of treatment. Ketamine can be helpful for those patients. It is known to give faster results and long-lasting effects.


Ketamine has a calming effect on patients with anxiety. It lowers nervous activity, thus helpful in treating anxiety.

The use of Ketamine for other than anesthetic purposes is approved for chroninc, treatment-resistant depression. Seek professional guidance and use Ketamine only under expert supervision.

Who is Eligible for Ketamine treatment?

Ketamine is safe to use for people across ages. People who can opt for Ketamine therapy are:

  1. People suffering from chronic pain such as lower back pain, abdominal pain, or fractures and are not responding to other painkillers can opt for ketamine treatment.
  2. People with depression or anxiety disorder are not responding to standard forms of treatment.
  3. Are not allergic to Ketamine.

Who is not eligible?

  1. Pregnant women
  2. Heart conditions
  3. High blood pressure
  4. History of alcohol and substance abuse
  5. History of psychosis or schizophrenia

Final Overview – Where to go for Ketamine treatment?

Ketamine is a drug that can cause repercussions and side effects if not used under expert guidance. The Ketamine detox center in New Jersey desires to bring health and hope to people. Ketamine is used as nasal sprays or through infusion with IV drops. With expert consultations and personalized treatment plans, the Ketamine detox center in New Jersey has successfully treated many patients.


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Major Effects of cocaine use on health

Major Effects of cocaine use on health

Cocaine is an immensely popular drug of abuse. It is available around the globe through street names such as coke, blows, and snow. This psychoactive, stimulant drug is highly addictive. Unlike other drug classes such as alcohol, opiates, or benzos, which are central nervous system (CNS) depressants, cocaine is a CNS stimulant. Consequently, cocaine is often co-abused with other drugs.

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A popular variant of cocaine is crack-cocaine. It is a highly addictive and powerful stimulant that is derived from powdered cocaine using a simple conversion process. Crack emerged as a popular drug in the mid-1980s. It is favored because it produces an immediate high and because it is easy and inexpensive to produce–rendering it readily available and affordable.

Crack is produced by dissolving powdered cocaine in a mixture of water and ammonia or sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). The mixture is boiled until a solid substance forms. The solid is removed from the liquid, dried, and then broken into the chunks (rocks) that are sold as crack cocaine. Crack typically is available as rocks. Crack rocks are white (or off-white) and vary in size and shape. Crack is nearly always smoked. Smoking crack cocaine delivers large quantities of the drug to the lungs, producing an immediate and intense euphoric effect.

Cocaine, in any form, is a powerfully addictive drug, and addiction seems to develop more quickly when the drug is smoked–as crack is–than snorted–as powdered cocaine typically is.

Cocaine has had some medical uses previously.  It was used by medical professionals as a pain reliever and anesthetic. However, this controlled substance is being abused by a large number of individuals. The highly addictive nature of the drug causes many neurological changes in the brain and causes a person to form a dependency on the substance. Cocaine addiction is dangerous and individuals addicted to cocaine must seek treatment immediately. Always access treatment at a professional cocaine rehab in New Jersey to overcome the disease of addiction.

Cocaine withdrawal can be downright nasty, especially the crash. The cravings are intense and the crash drives a person to extreme depression. While there are no established detox protocols to deal with cocaine withdrawal, unlike that for opiate withdrawal, still professional detox centers in New Jersey can greatly alleviate the impact of cocaine withdrawal and ease the path to recovery.

What exactly is cocaine?

The chemical formula for cocaine is C17H21NO4 and the drug is considered to be very powerful and extremely addictive. Most commonly found and sold as the white powder, the substance is illegal to use recreationally in most parts of the world.

People tend to use the drug more often and use higher quantities to achieve the same high and pleasure the drug gives. Cocaine works by affecting dopamine levels in the brain which can cause an individual to feel euphoria. This feeling of euphoria is short-lived and people tend to use more cocaine to achieve the same state of mind again.

Effects of cocaine on health: 

Any form of addiction, especially ones which include using drugs and other substances is extremely harmful. Cocaine is no different and prolonged use of the controlled substance has many adverse effects on an individual’s mental and physical health. The signs of harm caused by cocaine are not noticed in the initial stages so people tend to think it is manageable. With time dependency on the substance rises and the signs of harm become clearer.

The mental obsession caused by the use of cocaine causes an individual to become heavily dependent on the substance to even be functional in their daily lives. People often tend to lie, cheat and even steal to attain the substance and feel the same rush again. All such mental obsessions lead an individual to a very dark place where everything seems diabolical and functionality stops existing.

The mental effects of the use of the drug have been known to be extremely harmful and can take a long time to regain normalcy. The physical damage caused by the drug is equally worse and with time it becomes clearer as the human body shows signs of damage. Loss of appetite and a major decrease in body weight has been reported in many users of the drug worldwide. Other physical issues such as heart problems and respiratory issues have also been seen in a large number of people worldwide.

Nasal passages are also greatly harmed by prolonged use of cocaine, this causes uncontrollable bleeding through the nostrils. The bleeding can happen at random and could pose a great risk to an individual’s overall health. Extremely high quantities of cocaine can prove to be fatal and a great number of people have overdosed on the substance.

Medical uses of cocaine: 

Cocaine is available in a large number of countries worldwide as a prescription drug that comes in many forms and also can be used as local anesthesia. Surgeries of various body parts such as the eye, ear, and throat are carried forward by using cocaine in various forms.

Cocaine is often used as nasal sprays before medical surgeries and is also seen in the form of solutions. The drug continues to be a schedule II-controlled substance and the sale of the drug is illegal and the recreational use of the drug is also prohibited.

Side effects of long-term cocaine use: 

  • Sense of smell: the sense of smell in individuals is greatly harmed by using excessive cocaine. People might not have a strong sense of smell after cocaine use as odor receptors are greatly damaged by the drug.
  • Cognitive abilities: cognitive abilities are also affected by using coke for a long period of time. People are reported to have shorter attention spans and the decision-making ability of an individual is also greatly affected.
  • Lung damage: lung damage is also reported in many cases around the world, using cocaine can cause various tears in parts of an individual’s lungs and can cause internal bleeding.

Final Overview

Cocaine has a rich and deep medical history but for a long time now the drug has been abused by a large number of people around the globe. This abuse of the drug has caused many people to get addicted to the substance. With the help of a cocaine detox center in New Jersey, you can get rid of cocaine addiction and bring normalcy to your life again. It’s always advisable to never abuse any controlled substance or drug and only use it when prescribed by a doctor.


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Ketamine Treatment for Treatment Resistant Depression Could Save Your Life

Ketamine Treatment for Treatment Resistant Depression Could Save Your Life

Depression is a common ailment that afflicts millions of Americans and it is estimated that 5-6% of the world’s population suffers from depression. Fortunately, there are multiple medications available to treat depression, even if it is diagnosed as ”Major Depressive Disorder.” As people who suffer from chronic depression know, it impacts quality of life severely.

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Depression comes under the category of mood disorders. It affects the perspective of a person towards everyday activities and behavior in general. A series of physical and emotional problems accompany depression. In severe cases, the person becomes suicidal. It requires proper diagnosis and treatment.

Symptoms of depression:

Depression affects everyday life, and symptoms include:

  • Aggressiveness, Irritability, and restlessness
  • Sad, empty feeling, hopeless
  • Feeling guilty, withdrawal from social activities, loss of interest in activities.
  • Constant fatigue and helplessness
  • Little or too much sleep
  • Overeating or loss of appetite leads to weight gain or weight loss
  • Difficulty in remembering things and making decisions
  • Lack of concentration
  • Suicidal ideation

Is Depression Treatable?

Absolutely! There a myriad medications available to treat depression. Medications used to treat depression fall into the anti-depressant class or neuro transmitter inhibitors. The length of treatment depends on the degree of depression faced by a patient. It also depends on social and environmental factors. Inclusion of therapies such as Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, Light Therapy, Electroconvulsive Therapy (in severe cases) may help to increase treatment efficacy.

The not so well-known fact about depression is that none of the myriad medications available to treat depression work on about 30% of people suffering from depression. What alternative do they have? Before Ketamine, sold under the brand name “Spravato”, was approved by the FDA to help people suffering from treatment resistant depression, the individuals had pretty much resigned themselves to live with depression or had turned to drugs and alcohol in order to self-medicate and obtain a measure of relief.

Ketamine Could be Magic, but What is Ketamine?

Ketamine is an anesthetic, used more widely in the veterinary industry than on humans. Ketamine is available on the streets as a drug and can be abused. Ketamine is highly addictive. At high doses It causes a dissociative effect where the person using it gets cut off from reality. It leads to distorted feelings, sensory distortions, and unusual fantasies. Ketamine administered to agitated people helps to calm them down.

Ketamine for Treatment Resistant Depression:

Ketamine is a drug of abuse, but street ketamine has been used by people with depression to obtain relief from when available anti-depressants do not work, or when they have no access to behavioral health care.

The FDA approved Spravato, a branded ketamine mist, for treatment of chronic, treatment-resistant depression after other anti-depressants have been tried.

Benefits of Ketamine treatment for Depression

Traditional anti-depressants take weeks to take effect and can be frustrating for the patient. Like we mentioned before, some people suffering from depression do not even benefit from anti-depressants. Besides medications, people may need various therapies in order to obtain relief. Ketamine leads to the formation of Glutamate, which triggers the brain to form new neural connections. The best part of ketamine treatment in New Jersey is that the results are instantaneous and the effects last 2-3 months before another shot is needed.

It helps develop a positive attitude and behavior, an effect not seen with antidepressants. It gives results faster than other methods, and its results are long-lasting.

Causes of Depression:

Biochemistry– People with depression tend to have chemical differences in the brain. These chemical differences affect the part of the brain that controls mood, thoughts, appetite, and sleep.

Personality– Personality plays a crucial role in how life situations affect a person. People with low self-esteem or chronic pessimistic outlook are more likely to experience depression.

Hormones- Sudden changes in hormones can trigger depression. Hormonal imbalances during pregnancy, after childbirth, thyroid problems, menopause, and others lead to mood swings and depression.

Genetics– A family history of depression is likely to put one at high risk of developing depression. When diagnosing a patient with depression, knowing the genetic history is crucial.

Somatopsychic reasons– People suffering from diseases like cancer, stroke, Alzheimer’s, chronic physical pain, and others can develop negative attitudes and depression.

Environment– Constant exposure to violence, poverty, and abuse can make one more likely to develop depression.

Substance abuse– Depression is common among people with a history of alcohol consumption, smoking, and drug abuse.

Medications– Certain medications can also put one at risk of getting depression, such as medicines for high blood pressure, Insomnia, sleep apnea, and others.

Vitamin D deficiency– Vitamin D deficiency can also lead to depression. People in countries that receive less sunlight are more prone to depression than people in countries that receive an ample quantity of it.


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