Nurses, Cops, Teachers, Lawyers, College Kids

Professional Stressors Drive Treatment

Coordinate With EAP

Focus on Personal Stressors
Focus on Personal Stressors
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    Experience Treating Cops, Lawyers, Teachers, Nurses

    The Center for Network (CNT) has deep experience in treating professionals and individuals from all walks of life. CNT has treated professionals from various fields, including nurses, police officers, teachers and lawyers and also women and kids in college (age 18 and over). CNT is a specialist in treating women. CNT can provide rapid relief from alcohol withdrawal, anesthetic withdrawal, benzo withdrawal and opiate withdrawal. CNT also obtains health insurance authorization for methadone detox, Suboxone detox, Subutex detox and buprenorphine detox when a patient is ready to come off of maintenance doses.

    CNT believes the key to effective addiction treatment is to integrate stressors specific to each person or profession into alcohol and drug treatment. Knowledge of industry-specific stressors enables CNT to customize relapse prevention and coping skills to specifically address stressors unique to every individual or professional. As you will gather from the articles below, CNT has deep knowledge of, and experience in treating individuals from various professional backgrounds.

    CNT understands that professionals take pride in their line of work and wish to get back to work as productive individuals. To that end, CNT works with the patient’s Employee Assistance Programs, or EAPs, if needed, in order to ensure a smooth transition back to work in an expedited manner.

    CNT’s Medical Director, Dr. Cidambi, has deep experience in women’s issues and she ensures that all programs meet the special needs of women. Women suffering from the disease of addiction usually have experienced physical abuse, verbal abuse, emotional abuse or sexual abuse in their childhood and these issues have to be addressed in treatment. However, women feel guilty about going away for treatment as they are often the focal point of logistics in the home. Ambulatory Detox and Outpatient Withdrawal Management provides them an effective alternative.

    Women and Addiction

    Women Falling Victim to Addiction

    Twenty years ago, addiction studies and research focused almost entirely on men. This has now changed dramatically. Addiction has been on a steady increase and growing even faster in women than men.
    Once funding requests for addiction centers began to rise for women, investigations began looking more closely at addiction in women. While women have often sought treatment for prescription drugs and alcohol, the growing concern now is heroin. Too often, women become dependent on certain gateway drugs and it’s then a short trip into addiction. This can lead to health problems, loss of income and employment, which may also lead to homelessness. This is not only harmful to the women but all too often there are children in the home, who also suffer.


    Why Women Use

    Addiction expert Indra Cidambi, M.D. says while anyone can become addicted, the reasons for taking and abusing substances is always unique. Sex, which is based on their actual biology and gender, is a factor in how women see themselves…

    Lawyers and Addiction

    New York – May 9, 2017 – The presence of employees with substance use disorders in the workplace is a serious issue. Over 77%* of illicit drug users are employed and the loss of productivity resulting from drug and alcohol abuse is significant. Alcoholism alone is responsible for 500 million lost work days** each year. “Alcohol and drugs know no social, economic or educational barriers, and legal professionals face unique stressors” says leading Addiction Expert Dr. Indra Cidambi. In fact, lawyers are almost twice as likely*** to struggle with alcohol abuse when compared to the general population!
    “Lawyers start facing very heavy workloads and conflicts with their value systems right when they enter law school, and they may use alcohol or drugs to cope,” says Dr. Cidambi. “They also suffer from disproportionately higher rates of mental health issues, which may provide access to prescription medication that could be addictive.” As per a 2016 study**** more than 1 in 5 lawyers reported that they felt that their use of alcohol or other drugs was problematic at some point in their lives, and, of these, nearly 3 of 4 reported that their problematic use started after they joined law school…

    College Daze

    College Daze

    Heading off to college is an exciting time in a young person’s life.
    It’s usually the first time they are off on their own, making their own rules and tasting adult freedom for the first time.
    While many individuals experiment with alcohol and drugs, some of them are unable to leave it there.
    The pressures of college appear alleviated with the use of alcohol or drugs, causing many students to slip into addiction.
    Whether they enjoy the escape, these substances deliver or are doing it to fit in, and it’s easy to get addicted without realizing it.
    Today, drugs and alcohol are relatively are readily available in every neighborhood and are relatively inexpensive due to synthetic variants.
    Illicit pills are available to help you sleep, keep you awake or make you feel better.
    Literally, there are multiple ways to drug your way to happiness!
    As the college academic year winds down and your young adult comes home for the summer, it may be a good idea to be alert for signs of addiction…

    Police and Addiction

    Police officers put their lives on the line almost every day.
    They face dangerous situations, armed fugitives, violence, aggression, which makes their jobs highly stressful. In addition rotating shifts, double shifts and staff shortage makes their job tedious.
    It has been estimated that one in four police officers have a problem with drugs or alcohol.
    Law enforcement officials have a higher rate of substance abuse disorders than other professions and the general population.


    Stressful Situations

    The police face many stressful situations every day. They are called in for domestic violence, riots, bar fights, bad neighbors, fatal accidents, shooting, home invasion, etc.


    The list is endless. Most times the officers entering these situations have no idea what to expect. They must be on high alert and adrenaline pumping at all times…

    Nurses and Addiction

    Nurses are usually the first person to attend to a sick or injured individual in a hospital, and even in some medical office visits.
    They soothe, they heal, and they comfort the patient in their time of need. But what about the nurses themselves? Who heals them?
    A high-stress work environment, long hours, physician shortages and being away from their own families can take a toll on nurses.
    In an attempt to self-medicate the anxiety, stress and, sometimes, pain they experience daily on the job, some nurses turn to drugs for relief.
    Oftentimes they work double shifts and are deprived of sleep and they would like some help to stay awake or alert when on the job. Some drugs, such as stimulants, help them to stay awake and alert.


    Unfortunately, nurses have easy access to addictive medications as they are the ones usually responsible for fulfilling doctor’s orders for every patient on their watch. Some of them end up diverting medication intended for their patients and abuse them…

    Teachers and Addiction

    Teaching can seem like a noble profession. Educating and molding young minds, and seeing your students grow. However, lofty dreams can run into turbulence. Marching into the real world with newly honed skills and unbridled enthusiasm, but finding oneself overworked, underpaid and terribly stressed.
    It shouldn’t come as a surprise that educators find solace and relief in self-medicating.


    High-Stress Levels

    People often think that teachers don’t actually do much. Glorified babysitter, is a common term used to describe teachers. Gone are the days of idyllic classrooms and an apple for the teacher.
    Violence, students with entitlement issues, substance abuse among students coupled with the ever-present reality of budget cuts.
    The reality today is of helicopter parents and teachers hardly ever catch a break. Students and their parents take no responsibility for the inappropriate behavior of the student and teachers are left to deal with issues themselves…


    In-network with:
    Anthem BCBS
    Beacon Health Options
    Emblem BCBS
    Empire BCBS
    Horizon BCBS (EPO, HMO, PPO)
    United Health/Optum/Oxford
    Emblem GHI*


    * If the QualCare logo is on the
    insurance card