“Disease Model” Treatment

Expand Access; Lower Cost

Alcohol Withdrawal, Opiate Withdrawal, Benzo Withdrawal

Deliver Consistent Long-Term Sobriety
Deliver Consistent Long-Term Sobriety
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    Drug Treatment Programs

    The Center for Network Therapy (CNT) is New Jersey State Licensed to provide all levels of care to treat substance use disorders, or addiction to drugs and alcohol: Ambulatory Detoxification and Outpatient Withdrawal Management, Partial Care, and Intensive Outpatient, or IOP.

    Outpatient Detox Results Better than Inpatient

    All drug and alcohol treatments are provided on an outpatient basis, including withdrawal management and detoxification, the most acute levels of care. Addiction has been proven to be a chronic disease, and like for diabetes, HIV or hypertension, treatment should primarily occur in an outpatient setting, as it increases access and reduces stigma. Inpatient detoxification, conversely, is based on the premise that addiction is a behavioral issue and isolates the patient from their home environment to learn modified behaviors, increasing both, stigma and barriers to accessing addiction treatment.

    CNT was the first to innovate to the Ambulatory, or Outpatient Detoxification level of care in 2013. CNT offers withdrawal management and detoxification from all substances – alcohol, benzodiazepines (Xanax, Klonopin, Valium), opiates (opioid pain pills, heroin, Oxycodone, Tramadol, Oxycontin, Percocet, Fentanyl) and anesthetics (ketamine). CNT also offers methadone detox, Suboxone detox, Subutex detox, and buprenorphine detox, when the patient is ready to come off of these medications. CNT’s in-network status allows it to offer immediate withdrawal management, without waiting for authorization.

    As per a CNT study, Ambulatory Detoxification and Outpatient Withdrawal Management delivered better outcomes; 90+ day sobriety rates were meaningfully higher than inpatient detoxification. One reason is customized medication protocols that rapidly minimize withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Another is Relapse Prevention and Coping Skills learnt in treatment can be tested at home, and patient can work with the therapist on areas that need to be fortified the next day. Lastly, health insurance providers authorize more days of treatment relative to inpatient detoxification – it ensures a gentler detox, as medication taper can be individualized to maintain patient comfort at all times. Smoother withdrawal management results in better engagement in step-down levels of treatment.

    Oftentimes, women, especially homemakers, feel that they are abandoning their familial responsibilities if they have to go away for treatment. The guilt associated with going to inpatient detoxification for alcohol or drugs causes them to delay accessing treatment. Also, professionals, due to the pressure to deliver results at work, oftentimes do not have the luxury to go away to inpatient detoxification. Ambulatory Detoxification and Outpatient Withdrawal Management offer such individuals a safe and more effective alternative. CNT being in-network with private health insurance providers also makes it easier to access treatment, as deductibles and co-pays are the lowest possible.

    CNT’s Medical Director, Dr. Indra Cidambi, is an expert in women’s issues and ensures that all programs incorporate the special needs of women. Research has shown that a majority of women suffering from substance use disorders, or addiction to drugs and alcohol have experienced trauma earlier in their lives. The trauma may have been physical abuse, verbal abuse, emotional abuse or sexual abuse. In order to increase the effectiveness of addiction treatment these issues need to be addressed.

    CNT utilizes the latest evidence-based therapeutic approaches such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, or DBT and Motivational Interviewing, or MI. While Medication Assisted Treatment, or MAT is utilized, the core of CNT’s programs is therapy-based to effect the needed lifestyle changes. Integrating AA and NA into treatment is an important facet. All three levels of care are supported by medication management, including naltrexone or Vivitrol, by psychiatrist(s) to address co-occurring psychiatric conditions and residual withdrawal symptoms or cravings. Co-occurring psychological issues usually addressed include, depression, anxiety, ADHD and PTSD.

    CNT can also provide DOT evaluations and recommendations for treatment by NAADAC qualified professionals.

    CNT’s Ambulatory Detoxification program

    Every day from 9AM to 4PM
    CNT’s Ambulatory Detoxification program runs every day from 9AM to 4PM. The process uses medications, such as buprenorphine, or Suboxone / Subutex, to minimize opiate withdrawal (opioid pain pills, heroin, Oxycodone, Tramadol, Oxycontin, Percocet, Fentanyl), Librium or chlordiazepoxide to address alcohol withdrawal and benzodiazepine withdrawal (Xanax, Klonopin, Valium). If Librium is contraindicated due to sub-optimal liver functioning, an Ativan or lorazepam protocol could be implemented. CNT is one of few facilities offering detox (covered by insurance) from methadone, buprenorphine, Suboxone or Subutex. All detox-related medications are provided by CNT and administered by Registered Nurses. Therapy is provided to gain Coping and Relapse Prevention skills and self-help groups, such as AA or NA, are offered.

    Partial Care Program

    (A step down from the detoxification level of care)
    Weekdays from 9AM to 3PM
    Partial Care is a step down from the detoxification level of care, but we accept direct admits to the program as well. This program runs weekdays from 9AM-3PM. The goal is to address post-acute withdrawal symptoms and fortify essential Coping and Relapse Prevention skills in order to maintain longer-term sobriety. Therapy to fortify Coping and Relapse Prevention skills and self-help groups, such as AA or NA are offered.

    Intensive Outpatient (IOP) program

    Three times a week 3 hours a day
    Intensive Outpatient, IOP programs run three time a week for 3 hours a day. IOP is a step down from Partial Care, but we accept direct admits to the program as well. This level of care is offered during the day as well as evenings. The goal of this program is to maintain continuity of treatment while integrating work-related stressors into treatment. Therapy to further fortify Coping and Relapse Prevention skills and adapt to the work environment is continued.
    Asam’s awards
    ASAM's Laura McGarry awards CNT's Medical Director, Dr. Indra Cidambi, a plaque for Innovating to Ambulatory (Outpatient) Detoxification model for all alcohol, benzodiazepines and opiates and proving it to be safe and effective.

    CNT utilizes the latest evidence-based therapeutic approaches such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, or DBT and Motivational Interviewing, or MI. All three levels of care are supported by medication management by psychiatrist(s) to address co-occurring psychiatric conditions and residual withdrawal symptoms or cravings.

    CNT can also provide DOT evaluations and recommendations for treatment by NAADAC qualified professionals.


    In-network with:
    Anthem BCBS
    Beacon Health Options
    Emblem BCBS
    Empire BCBS
    Horizon BCBS (EPO, HMO, PPO)
    United Health/Optum/Oxford
    Emblem GHI*


    * If the QualCare logo is on the
    insurance card