Can Giving up Alcohol Reduce Anxiety?

Can Giving up Alcohol Reduce Anxiety?

Anxiety: An Overview
You may be tempted to drink a glass of wine or a beer to calm your nerves when coping with hectic days or anxiety provoking events. However, excessive drinking of alcohol, especially over a lengthy period, can make you feel more anxious.

If you’re being treated for anxiety, drinking alcohol can have catastrophic repercussions. While it may appear that having a drink will help you relax, you may be doing more damage than good.

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The use of alcohol to relieve anxiety-related stress is a prevalent habit among both youth and adults. While the near-term feelings of relaxation and relief may provide the desired respite, alcohol is addictive and repeated use at sequentially higher quantities can lead to physical and psychological dependence on alcohol over time.

Anxiety is a very common mental health condition that can be treated with a variety of drugs and therapies. Unfortunately, many people still choose to self-medicate with alcohol while facing life stressors instead of seeking professional help.

How does alcohol consumption make anxiety worse?
Serotonin and other neurotransmitters in the brain are affected by alcohol, which can exacerbate anxiety. Once the alcohol wears off, you may likely feel much more anxious than before, as you just lost a coping mechanism. This anxiety may continue to intensify until more alcohol is consumed to numb yourself to your feelings.

It’s not optimal to use alcohol to cope with social anxiety. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) estimates that roughly 7% of Americans suffer from this type of anxiety.

You may find it difficult to cope with social situations if you suffer from social anxiety. Drinking alcohol to ease social interactions is prevalent among people with social anxiety disorder. This can lead to an addiction to alcohol when socializing, which can exacerbate anxiety symptoms.

Other indicators of dependence, aside from the need for alcohol to feel at ease when socializing, are:

1. needing a drink at parties
2. an inability to stop drinking multiple alcoholic beverages in one day
3. needing a drink to get going in the morning
4. drinking heavily four or more days every week.

Eliminate Alcohol from Your Diet to Reduce Anxiety
Given how alcohol contributes to the cycle of anxiety and problem drinking, it stands to reason that eliminating alcohol from your life can help you manage your anxiety. This isn’t to say you shouldn’t go out with your buddies; rather, it means you should avoid situations where drinking is the main attraction.

Because stress levels are frequently fed by endless obsessive thoughts, it is important to be able to control your thoughts. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, can help.

Take time to analyze your current relationship with alcohol while you flush your liquor down the kitchen sink. When was the last time you didn’t drink alcohol, and how did you feel during that time? If you’ve been drinking for a long period of time, withdrawal symptoms are likely to be difficult to deal with.

When your body has grown used to the presence of alcohol, it is hard to function normally after you stop drinking. The following are the most common signs and symptoms of alcohol withdrawal:
● Anxiety and paranoia
● Increased heart rate
● Insomnia
● Having trouble concentrating
● Headaches
● Vertigo
● Perspiring
● Nausea
● Tremors, shakes

Liquor is not an anti-anxiety medication
Moderate drinking is not the same for men and women of all ages. In the United States, “moderate” refers to two drinks per day for adult men and one drink per day for women. Because older folks metabolize alcohol more quickly, restrict yourself to one alcoholic beverage each day if you’re in this age range. Consult your physician to see if moderate alcohol drinking is safe for you.

The advantages of drinking alcohol are occasionally overshadowed by the hazards, which include:

● Depression
● Obesity
● Liver damage.
● Injury to the cardiovascular system

Everyone is affected differently by alcohol. It might make you feel more relaxed or brighten you up after a long day. First, talk to your doctor about your worries to discover if alcohol is safe for you.

It’s important to remember that you shouldn’t drink alcohol because:
● Anxiety reduction is possible through lifestyle changes
● Anxiety is treatable. You can, however, adopt lifestyle changes to help you live with your anxiety and reduce it
You can minimize your anxiety by making some simple daily modifications.

How to reduce your anxiety levels?
● Sleep for at least 7 hours every night
● Caffeine and alcohol can both make you feel more anxious, so limit your intake of both.
● Eat healthy
● Focus on relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga.
● Listening to music or paint

When withdrawal symptoms appear, it’s critical to get medical help right away to ensure you do net suffer seizures, or stroke. Many alcohol rehab facilities in NJ are available to help with dependence on alcohol.


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Most common misconceptions about addiction

Most Common Misconceptions about Addiction

Most Common Misconceptions about Addiction

Although we now know more about addiction than ever before, there are still many misconceptions about substance use disorders even among informed people.

There have been significant advancements in understanding the disease of addiction, addiction treatment and research, but a lack of understanding of the chronic disease of addiction creates barriers, preventing individuals suffering from substance use disorders from accessing treatment in a timely manner. Additionally, many of these antiquated preconceptions about addiction continue to stigmatize the disease and make people from addiction ashamed of their condition.

Let’s take a look at a few of them:

1.  Addiction is a behavioral or moral issue:

One of the most common misconceptions about addiction is that it is essentially a behavioral problem or a moral failure. Consequently, it is assumed that people who use drugs or alcohol can stop if they really want to. Addiction is a chronic brain disease, and quitting drug or alcohol use on your own is not only extremely tough, but could also be dangerous!

Addictive substances stimulate dopamine production in the brain at ten times the rate of other pleasurable activities such as eating food, indulging in hobbies or engaging in sex. After a period of substance use, the brain’s reward system is altered – the brain stops producing dopamine in response to regular stimuli and instead waits for cues from drugs or alcohol to release a rush of dopamine. This creates dependence as the individual may not feel normal due to the lack of release of dopamine. Many individuals with addiction issues  also suffer from mental health issues, which can exacerbate their addiction. The best way to overcome addiction is to seek effective treatment by consulting with addiction therapists in NJ.

2.  Medications prescribed by a physician is not addictive :

Among the fallacies about drug or alcohol addiction, those involving prescription medicines are the hardest to correct. The myth is that medications prescribed by doctors are harmless and cannot lead to dependence because they are legal and prescribed by a doctor for a genuine ailment. Tragically, that’s not true, as evidenced by the opioid epidemic caused substantially by prescribed pain killers. Prescription medications are highly addictive and, if misused, can be lethal.

In 2014, an estimated 1,700+ young Americans between the ages of 18 and 25 overdosed on prescription medications, with prescription medicines having the highest overdose rate of any drug for that age range. Not only can these substances be highly addictive if overused, but stopping prescription painkillers can be dangerous, as relapse after a short period of abstinence could lead to overdose. Consequently, it is highly advisable that stopping use of prescription painkillers should only be attempted under the direction of medical professionals or detox facilities as other medications, such as buprenorphine, Suboxone or Subutex can be introduced to address withdrawal symptoms and cravings, which help prevent relapse.

3. Alcoholism is less severe than drug addiction

People assume that alcohol abuse is not as dangerous as drug addiction, as it is socially acceptable to drink alcohol. Alcoholism may take over a person’s life and have significant negative consequences on physical health, finances and mental health. In 2015, 15.1 million adults in the United States suffered from alcohol use disorder, and 88,000 Americans died each year from alcohol-related causes. Alcoholism should not be treated lightly, and individuals who are addicted to alcohol should get help as soon as possible.

Also, it is not advisable to quit drinking alcohol after a period of heavy use without medical supervision. Alcohol withdrawal can be severe and with negative medical consequences. Alcohol withdrawal could lead to seizures, stroke, or even death.

4. SUD Patients Aren’t Productive Members of Society

Conventional stereotypes of individuals suffering from addiction paints a picture of a dysfunctional individual who does not possess the qualities of an ideal employee! They are believed to have low morals and questionable behavior. They are also believed to be criminals, as frequently portrayed on television and in films.

While some people do fit this picture and are unable to work or perform basic daily duties, most individuals suffering from addiction work, support their families, and even have lively social lives. Most themselves do not believe they are addicted, and some that do, find it tough to speak about their dependence. Consequently, they are ambivalent about accessing addiction treatment, which serves to intensify their addiction.

5. Medication Assisted Treatment, or MAT, is Drug-for-Drug Replacement

Research shows that medication assisted treatment, or MAT, saves lives and improves outcomes. Despite that fact there are many, including addiction treatment professionals, that MAT is just drug-for-drug replacement and not treatment. Many individuals believe that those who want to overcome addiction must quit “cold turkey” and maintain their recovery by a “white-knuckling” strategy or by using their will power to resist cravings. This has been proven to be a dangerous strategy, as even a short period of abstinence lowers tolerance levels and increase the chances of overdose in the event of relapse.

6. There is Only One Treatment for Addiction.

What worked for one person, may not work for another. Multiple options are needed in order to offer individualized treatment. Each person requires a unique treatment plan. While the incumbent inpatient detox model may work for some, outpatient detox is preferred by most people who need detoxification from drugs or alcohol. The need for customized treatment to suit individual needs cannot be overemphasized as it increases compliance and leads to better outcomes.


Rehabs in NJ offer help if you or someone you know is struggling with opioid addiction, whether it’s to prescription painkillers, heroin or fentanyl. Those struggling with opioid use disorder can receive medication-assisted treatment, as well as counselling and other assistance. If you’re thinking about talking to a loved one about their addiction, reach out to us right away to learn more about our treatment options that are more flexible and lowers resistance to treatment from individuals suffering from substance use disorders.


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How Methadone Can Affect Your Emotional Health?

How Methadone Can Affect Your Emotional Health?

Methadone is a synthetic opioid that was first developed and used by the Germans during the Second World War. It acts similarly to narcotic painkillers, such as Oxycodone, Oxycontin or Percocet, and is used to relieve acute pain. It relieves pain, makes the user feel drowsy, and delivers mild euphoria.
Methadone is available in as tablets, in powder form or as a liquid. It either dispensed daily in methadone clinics, where therapy is also provided or can be obtained through a prescription at pharmacies. There are various Methadone clinics in NJ that not only provide treatment for addiction to opiates, the New Jersey methadone clinics also can help you to learn about methadone’s side effects and possible methadone addiction.

Methadone is contraindicated for people suffering from asthma or stomach/intestine blockage, as it could escalate the conditions. It is also advisable to not use methadone along with other CNS depressants – drugs that cause drowsiness like alcohol or benzodiazepines – as it may slow down the breathing of that individual. If pregnant women have been on methadone for a long period of time, it elevates the risk of neonatal withdrawal syndrome in infants.

Methadone Uses and How it Works 

Methadone provides “replacement therapy” for individuals suffering from an addiction to opiates. Methadone is only part of the treatment for these individuals. In order for any addiction treatment to be successful, it must be combined with talk therapy, so that lifestyle changes can be effected and coping mechanisms learnt. Methadone is addictive and the longer the use and the higher the dosage, the more severe the dependence.

There are other medications such as clarithromycin and telaprevir, that increase or decrease the impact of methadone. Whenever consulting a doctor, the patient needs to inform the physician of any drug allergies they may have or any other prescription or non-prescription drug/medication use. Injecting methadone increases the chances of overdose, which could put the patient at serious risk.

Initially, Methadone was developed to be used as a painkiller because it can provide long-lasting pain relief. It acts upon the brain and nervous system, which provides relief from pain. But it is easy to overdose on methadone, which can lead to respiratory- or heart-related problems.

Methadone is used as a replacement to narcotic drugs as it gives the same physical effects without providing a similar ‘high’ as drugs like heroin, hydrocodone and morphine. It helps in reducing withdrawal symptoms and addresses cravings. Withdrawal is basically the body’s response to lack of opioids it has become dependent on, and it may include anxiety, irritability, sleeping problems, watery eyes, chills, tremors, vomiting and nausea. When a person becomes dependent on a substance, stopping usage abruptly causes withdrawal symptoms. Methadone clinics in NJ can help individuals to understand the effects of Methadone better.

Side-effects of Methadone

Methadone decreases control and impairs judgement and driving under the influence of methadone can be dangerous. Other side-effects Methadone can cause, mild or severe, include:

Mild side effects of Methadone:

  • Restlessness
  • Vomiting
  • Heavy sweating
  • Constipation
  • Dry mouth
  • Mood swings
  • Vision problem
  • Appetite change

Some severe problems, which may require medical assistance, are:

  • Breathing issues
  • Drowsiness
  • Hallucinations
  • Seizures
  • Chest Pain
  • Teary eyes
  • Dilated pupil

Effects of Methadone on emotional health

Along with physical problems, Methadone also has psychological effects on the patient.. The extent might be less than compared to other heavier drugs like heroin or fentanyl, but they do exist. Some effects of Methadone include:

  • Flat affect:

Methadone is used by many people to amplify their moods, but it might also backfire upon them. Excessive methadone in many cases can dampen emotions. According to a study published in the journal Addiction, “Methadone may blunt emotional reactivity following an increase in plasma methadone concentration,” which came from an experiment performed on 21 opioid-dependent patients whose moods were recorded at different times.

  • Psychological dependence:

Although methadone can help to elevate moods and cure depression, it can also increase the individual’s dependence upon the drug. He or she might start to believe that methadone is an essential part of his day-to-day life and a need for his body, rather than just seeing it as a supplement.

  • Mood swings:

As discussed above, one side effect of Methadone is that it causes mood swings. It acts upon the brain by changing its neural chemistry, which causes mood swings. It might act as a temporary solution for depression, but in the longer course, it can cause serious mood swings.

  • Increased anxiety:

Patients who use tranquilizers to manage their anxiety or panic attacks might find it difficult to use methadone along with it. The interaction between tranquilizers and methadone affects your Central Nervous System (CNS) and could lead to sleepiness, slowed breathing or coma.

  1. Withdrawal:

Just like any other drug, Methadone primarily affects the brain. It is used in replacement therapy as a substitute for other heavier drugs, but it doesn’t mean that methadone by itself does not have any psychological effect. If a patient abruptly stops using Methadone, he might face extreme mood swings, physical withdrawal symptoms or just start feeling anxious or depressed.

  • Depression:

We know that Methadone is used as an antidepressant, but its excessive and long-term use could slowly start to reverse that effect. Your body might start feeling reliant on it to uplift your mood, and its unavailability may lead to irritability or anger issues.

Should you use Methadone or not

Just like any other drug, Methadone has its advantages and disadvantages. But if taken as prescribed under supervision, the negative effects can be mitigated. Methadone was developed to be used as a pain reliever, but with time its uses increased. And as they say, “Each coin has two sides.”, it also has its disadvantages. Excessive use might lead to severe health problems like breathing issues, nausea, vomiting and in some cases even death.

However, there is always a silver lining. For a lot of people Methadone has been a blessing. From effectively treating addiction to opiates to having antidepressant properties, methadone has a wide range of uses, when used appropriately. Get immediate assistance from top methadone clinics in Monmouth County NJ, Ocean County NJ or Mercer County NJ to overcome addiction to opiates utilizing methadone.

Detox from Methadone:

After a period of use, an individual utilizing methadone to treat addiction to opiates may want to come off of methadone and attempt a medication-free recovery. It is possible but it is advisable to attempt it only under medical supervision. The Center for Network Therapy, offers detox from methadone that is covered by health insurance.


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