What Heroin can do to Your Body?

Drug Addiction

There is an increase in the use of heroin in the streets of the US resulting from the ban on Opana and hydrocodone. Those who were addicts of these pain relieving treatments see heroin as the best option that is left. This is even elevated by the fact that heroin can be easily acquired on the streets. Evidently, the number of admissions at an addiction treatment center is rising due to the ever-increasing heroin abuse and for buprenorphine withdrawal purposes.

Statistics on drug abuse found that the year prior to the research 681,000 people of America used heroin. There was an increase from 314,000 to 455,000 (2004 – 2005). The first time users from the age of 12 and up were 169,000. This number of new initiates is almost constant or a bit more from the year 2002.


The Health Effects Heroin can Cause

Heroin can affect an individual because of various factors including the present health of the person, weight, gender, the amount of intake, the method used in taking it, stature, the use of the drug together with others and psychiatric condition of the person. One thing you should note is that even using the drug for a short period is still harmful.

The short-term effects of Heroin intake include Nausea, itchiness, feeling heavy in the limbs, trances, euphoric rushes, warm skin, a running nose, drowsiness, a relaxation that is not natural, smaller pupils, and muddled thinking.

Even though these risks are the only short term, they pose an unnecessary danger to the user. The more one uses the drug, chances of another risky health condition attacking increases. It does not matter whether the heroin is lawfully administered or not.

The body seems to adapt to the drug the more you use it. This adaptive nature of the body will then demand you continue using heroin or another drug that has the same effect. Failure to take it leads to withdrawal symptoms.

Severe Health Issues Caused by Heroin

The health consequences that are long-term and can be caused by the use of heroin include the disease of the liver, the infections of the pulmonary, arthritis, collapsing veins, depression, kidney disease, skin infections, heart valve infections, hepatitis, HIV/AIDS and contracting other viruses borne by blood.

These diseases arise due to the unhealthy sharing of needles. So, one individual with the disease injecting themselves and then you take the needle and apply it to you can easily expose you to these dreadful diseases.

In addition, a reliable research shows that the intake of heroin can lead to the reduction of the white part of your brain. This then directly affects your capability to make decisions, control your behavior, and respond poorly to stress. The research continues to prove that those who abuse heroin have high chances of a relapse in case they stop using.

Women with a history of abuse have miscarriages, prematurely deliveries, and get children who are underweight during birth. Also, the sexual drive of both men and women is significantly reduced. The men can experience a dysfunction during erections and fail to regain interest sexually.

Other risks include arrests, involving in fights and becoming a captive to lawsuits. Therefore, if you are affected and looking to get rid of the addiction of heroin or seeking Heroin rehab
it is important you contact a treatment addiction center to get immediate and long-lasting help.


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