Ambulatory (Outpatient) Detoxification

Table of Contents

This treatment model is designed to mitigate severe withdrawal symptoms immediately by enabling our nurses to administer
detox meds from our stock instantly upon admission. This is a modern approach to detox, where patients enjoy the convenience of accessing addiction treatment from home with minimal disruption to their daily lives. While the incumbent inpatient detox model still treats addiction like a behavioral or moral issue requiring separation from the living environment, Outpatient Detox treats addiction like other chronic illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension or HIV by allowing outpatient access to detox. The program provides medical stabilization utilizing proven medication protocols and extended on-site monitoring. CNT can effectively address alcohol withdrawal, anaesthetic withdrawal, benzo withdrawal, opiate withdrawal and stimulant withdrawal on an outpatient basis.

Group therapy is provided and psychiatric issues are addressed as well. The program runs from 9AM-2:30PM daily and includes group and individual therapy to learn coping and relapse prevention skills.

Recovery Centre for Network Therapy

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Frequently Asked Questions on Alcohol withdrawal

For Free Addiction Treatment With Insurance!

When does alcohol withdrawal start?
It differs from one individual to the other. The more heavily you drink alcohol, the more likely you are to be in dire need for alcohol withdrawal.

When an individual has been consuming alcohol heavily for weeks, months, or years, he or she may experience physical and mental issues when they try to stop drinking alcohol. The combination of these uncomfortable effects is called alcohol withdrawal. Symptoms can range from mild to dangerous, depending on the length of use and amount of use.
An individual who has been consuming alcohol for a long period of time, but in limited quantities of irregularly, is unlikely to experience withdrawal symptoms if they stop drinking alcohol. If an individual has experienced alcohol withdrawal once in their lifetime, they are more likely to experience it again when they stop drinking alcohol.

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms such as tremors can last anywhere between three days to several weeks.
The symptoms of alcohol withdrawal tend to start within 6 to 24 hours after the person’s last drink of alcohol.
It depends on how long it takes your body to flush every trace of alcohol. 

Alcohol is a “downer,” as it depresses an individual’s central nervous system. The functioning of the brain slows and it changes the way in which messages are sent back and forth from the brain.
Over time, the central nervous system of the person abusing alcohol adapts to having alcohol in the system all the time. The system works harder to keep the brain in a more awake state and the nerves communicating with one another.
When the individual abusing alcohol stops alcohol use abruptly, their brain stays in high gear and causes alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

In-network with:

* If the QualCare logo is on the insurance card

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