How to Begin Your Recovery at CNT

At the Center for Network Therapy (CNT), we are proud to offer innovative, convenient outpatient addiction treatment options, including for detox, that are designed to accelerate recovery and sustain long-term sobriety. All of our addiction treatment methodologies are evidence-based.



Admissions at CNT is a breeze. All you do is call us at (732) 484-9661 and you will get an appointment immediately! All we need are these 4 pieces of information from you:

    *That is it! Before you come in for the appointment, we will let you know if you have any copays or deductibles. Because CNT is an in-network provider, there is no need to get prior-authorization to start providing services to our patients.

    CNT has been credentialed by most private health insurance providers and Medicaid to provide substance use disorder treatment and address Co-occurring mental health issues. Most health insurance plans cover addiction treatment in full, reducing the cost of treatment to zero for patients. When deductibles and co-pays apply, they are the lowest possible, as CNT is in-network (contracted to provide addiction services) with most major health insurance providers. CNT accepts EPO, HMO, Omnia and PPO plans – Aetna, Anthem Health, Cigna, Empire Health, Horizon BCBS, MagnaCare, Optum, Oscar, Oxford, United HealthCare, QualCare and others.

    Tailored programs for your recovery needs

    New Jersey, including outpatient drug detox and outpatient alcohol detox.

    The Center for Network Therapy (CNT) provides outpatient addiction treatment in New Jersey, including outpatient drug detox and outpatient alcohol detox. CNT was the first addiction treatment program to offer outpatient detox in 2013, and has helped thousands of New Jersey residents overcome alcohol dependence and drug dependence while living with their families and with minimal disruption to their daily lives. CNT provides addiction treatment in NJ for alcohol dependence, opiate dependence, benzo dependence and anesthetic dependence.

    Relief from Alcohol, Opiate, Benzo, & Anesthetic Withdrawal Within an Hour

    CNT’s Outpatient Detox is structured to provide immediate relief from alcohol withdrawal, opiate withdrawal, benzo withdrawal and anesthetic withdrawal. CNT stocks detoxification meds such as Buprenorphine, Suboxone, Subutex, Ativan, Librium, Valium, etc. and administers it immediately after evaluation, alleviating withdrawal symptoms immediately. We are open 7-days a week, and we can provide immediate relief from alcohol withdrawal, opiate withdrawal, benzo withdrawal & anesthetic withdrawal if the patient comes in before noon.

    Low, or No Cost Treatment – In-Network with Private Health Insurance Providers

    CNT has been credentialed by most private health insurance providers and Medicaid to provide substance use disorder treatment. Most health insurance plans cover addiction treatment in full, reducing the cost of treatment to zero for patients. When deductibles and co-pays apply, they are the lowest possible, as CNT is in-network (contracted to provide addiction services) with most major health insurance providers and CNT accepts EPO, HMO and PPO plans – Aetna, Anthem Health, Cigna, Empire Health, Horizon BCBS, MagnaCare, Optum, Oscar, Oxford, United HealthCar, QualCare and others.

    Outpatient Detox – Most Effective Alcohol Rehab and Drug Rehab in New Jersey

    New Jersey residents suffering from addiction and needing alcohol detox, benzo detox, opiate detox or anesthetic detox, now have a more effective and safer alternative to inpatient detoxification: Outpatient Detox. CNT provides Outpatient Detox from all substances and has been recognized by ASAM for proving this level of care to be safe and effective.
    In-network with:

    * If the QualCare logo is on the insurance card

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