Three Things To Do Overcome Addiction Quickly and Easily
When an individual is in the grips of addiction the future looks bleak and they have a steep and slippery slope to climb to get out of the rut they are in. Addiction changes a person’s character and their behaviour and causes mood swings.
Additionally, addiction to alcohol or drugs are hazardous to health and cause much damage. Although individuals are not unaware of the damage to their health from drugs, they are unable to break the addiction Even loved ones of individuals suffering from substance use disorders are not familiar with this disease and are unsure of ways to get the right kind of help for the individual. Fortunately there are plenty of addiction treatment centers in New Jersey that accept private health insurance. If you want to help a person with addiction issues, having a plan in mind is hugely helpful.
Laid out below are the first steps to take:
Conversation with Addicted Individual: It may come as a surprise to many, but oftentimes an individual who is addicted to drugs or alcohol does not believe he or she has a problem. So, the first step is to have a conversation with the individual and find out what they think about their “problematic habits.” If he or she is aware of how it is impacting them and are willing to enter treatment, then you can go take the next step. However, it is not that easy. The individual who is addicted may want to deny the existence of a problem and call it “controllable” behaviour. An extended conversation may be needed to convince them that they need a substance abuse evaluation at the very least.
Get an evaluation: The first task is to get a substance abuse evaluation done. This will provide an idea of the extent of the problem, the severity and substances abused. The professional who does this evaluation may also be able to identify what level of treatment the individual needs.
Search for a Detox Center or Addiction Treatment Facility: This is probably the most important decision to make. On a general basis, outpatient treatment is preferable to inpatient treatment. The reason is that outpatient treatment is able to integrate the home environment into treatment and, therefore, help the individual deal with the stressors at home. However, if the individual has a sub-optimal home environment or has a medical condition that requires 24-hour monitoring inpatient treatment is indicated. The next thing to consider is the breadth of addiction treatment services. Facilities that offer the full continuum of care are preferable because they can move the patient up or down the treatment spectrum depending on the patient’s needs.
Keep an Eye on Costs: While the right treatment is priceless paying attention to costs is important as it can come back to haunt the individual suffering from addiction at a vulnerable time when he or she is just entering recovery. Most health insurance providers cover this disease, at least partially. In order to minimize cost to the individual suffering from substance use disorder or his/her family, it is advisable to choose a facility that is in-network with the individual’s health insurance provider. Facilities/programs that are in-network are credentialed by health insurance providers and have low, contracted rates which minimizes or eliminates cost to the individual. On the other hand, by choosing facilities/programs that are out of network with the individual’s health insurance carrier, they are leaving themselves open to huge health care bills in the future.
Make a Commitment: The individual suffering from the disease of addiction needs to make a commitment to complete treatment to the best of his/her ability. It is not easy, but an attempt should be made. Addiction is a chronic disease and relapse, though a setback, is not a sign of failure. However, the motivation to re-engage in treatment will make a difference. It usually takes 2-3 attempts at treatment before an individual is firmly on the road to recovery.
Detox centers that provide addiction treatment in NJ can provide you with the assistance you require in making a decision.
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